Monday, June 1, 2009

What's Emma Doing Now

So just to let you all know what the kid is doing now...She's figured out how to roll over from her stomach to her back very well. she can go the other way, but doesn't do it as often. She has her toys that just fascinate her. She enjoys sitting up and is very content to sit and play. She does get too excited sometimes and just rolls over onto her side or back we keep pillows near by.

While she's on her stomach she'll either pop up on her knees or her we're thinking that her mobility is about to increase exponentially.

She's squealing and cooing like a champ. Every now and then I'll make her mad suctioning out her nose and then she'll spend the next 10 minutes telling mommy on me. Which is Later we're going to have to talk about that.

She is not a huge fan of going to sleep. and by that i mean she hates it really. She'll do almost anything to not go to sleep, which includes trying to eat her bottle sitting bolt upright.

I'll keep you posted as more happens.

Emma's Grandparents aren't proud at all...

Emma meets her Paternal Great Grandparents

Some mommy's day pics

May approaches

Mom's First Mother's Day

Spencer, Grandpa & Emma...not sure what's going on here...

Emma's First pool experience.

Finally getting to wear the first outfit she ever received. Thanks Aunt Jen

Visiting mommy at work for lunch.

More of April

Isn't she too young to be doing that?

She loves her bath time

Cousin Spencer watching over her

Momma and Emma at Jason's

She's so pretty. With her jewelry

Finishing Out April

First Time with rice cereal

Emma's contribution to Easter

Not so much with the laying back in her car seat anymore.

Reaching out to find her toys now.

Learning that Feet can be useful too.

Way Too Long

so i know it's been forever since i've i'm just going to post a bunch of pics and you can enjoy.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Testing blog posting from my phone. Now I can update when I'm not at work.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Talking Wars

Last night Emma was just talking away in her normal way of making long continuous noises and varying the pitch. It's really cute. She gets excited that she's making these noises which makes her make more of them.

Last night was particularly funny because I was reading a book out loud; Alicia and I are reading the Twilight series together. While I was reading, and not paying attention to my daughter she was talking as well. Subconsciously I knew that Alicia could not hear me as well, so I naturally got louder. What I didn't realize was that Emma was getting louder as well. Each time I made an adjustment, she did the same. Pretty soon Alicia's laughing and I finally realize that Emma is practically screaming to be heard.

She's 4 months. And already she's trying to talk over me...We've got our work cut out for us.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Sitting Up

Emma's getting good at sitting up now. we still have to help her get there, but she can sit pretty well on her own...
Next, she'll be asking for the car keys...sheesh!

Our Little Movie Star pictures...we're very busy and important

New Stuff

Sorry it's been a while since I posted. But hope you enjoy.

Emma is really starting to learn how to use her hands. It's very neat to watch her concentrate hard on grabbing her toys in front of her.

She's really started to enjoy her Baby Einstein thing...she'll laugh and jump and grab at the printed caterpillars on the side.

Monday, March 9, 2009

All Smiles

She's All Smiles, and I no longer think its just gas

Emma's really started to just enjoy smiling. Her favorite place it seems, oddly enough, is her changing table. she'll just laugh and talk the whole way through. Maybe it's that she likes just laying on her back, maybe it's the undivided attention we give her there, or maybe she just enjoys being free of her diaper. Whatever it is, I really enjoy that now when we get her attention, she smiles back. Such a joy.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Monday, February 16, 2009

Emma's visit to Helga the Horrible.

after having to rearrange our appointment because of doctor scheduling, Emma finally had her 2 month appointment today, now that she's 2 1/2 months old.
She's laughing and cooing now which is awesome. But she was just going crazy at the doctor's today. She was being ultra cute, (again verified by her professional Dr) and her smile would just make you want to give her anything she wanted.

We think now it was her hope that if she smiled and laughed enough, that we would not subject her to the looming vaccinations that she must receive. However, unfortunately, the inevitable came and the nurse walked in with the THREE shots, notice, the actual Dr left so that he's not the bad guy. Like any baby i'm sure, her smile turned into a raging scream and i, for the first time, got to see her tonsils as she cried harder than ever. It was sad for both mom and dad, but she made it through. By the time we had her to the car she was calm and then fell asleep on the way home. Hopefully she'll sleep and rest today and forget the whole thing.

That or I'll have to pay for counseling later on.

Good Times.

Emma Updates

So I haven't updated her blog in a while. Sorry. But when you've got a new one, other things take priority I guess. Like sleep, and naps.

But as of today, Emma has still not rolled over again for mom and dad. Maybe she was just letting us know that it's possible for her to do it, but that she's not going to just perform whenever mom and dad want her to. It'll be on her time table, not ours.

Last weekend she slept mostly through the night for the first time. She fell asleep after her nighttime (10pm) feeding and minus a bit of fussing around 1 or so, she slept until 6:30 in the morning. I kept waking up and checking to make sure she was ok. Hasn't really done that since. oh well. we're back to the 3:30-4am feedings again.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Emma Rolled

Video proof that Emma has rolled over...not that she's done it for mom or dad yet though...
I'm still looking for the strings Shellie used...

Emma Playing on her mat

Emma has begun to talk and smile at her 'friends' above her play mat.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Rollin' Rollin' Rollin' --Over

So I've been trying for weeks now to get Emma to roll over. Tummy time is our new hated past time. We spend time on her play mat on her stomach and I coach her and cheer her on. Today was no different. I honestly thought today was going to be the day. She started to it seemed but then the wall on the play mat got in the way and she couldn't complete the transition.
So Alicia and I went out for her birthday to have some 'normal' people fun. And what do we receive? None other than a phone call from Aunt Shellie asking 'Has Emma ever rolled over before?' That's right. Over and Over, she's rolling.
What in the world?
Happy Birthday mom.

Emma's Baby Blessing

This past Sunday, Emma made her debut at Southeast. Being the nervous, first-time parents that we are, I had prepped our youth group the week before that no one was going to hold her except us because we didn't want their germs all over the baby.
She slept the whole way through church, which was nice. We went up and most of the elders were there to pray over Emma. She truly is going to be a 'church baby'.

She's just too cute though. Enjoy the pics.