Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Testing blog posting from my phone. Now I can update when I'm not at work.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Talking Wars

Last night Emma was just talking away in her normal way of making long continuous noises and varying the pitch. It's really cute. She gets excited that she's making these noises which makes her make more of them.

Last night was particularly funny because I was reading a book out loud; Alicia and I are reading the Twilight series together. While I was reading, and not paying attention to my daughter she was talking as well. Subconsciously I knew that Alicia could not hear me as well, so I naturally got louder. What I didn't realize was that Emma was getting louder as well. Each time I made an adjustment, she did the same. Pretty soon Alicia's laughing and I finally realize that Emma is practically screaming to be heard.

She's 4 months. And already she's trying to talk over me...We've got our work cut out for us.